středa 8. července 2015

Amsterdam - The heaven of records

Minulé léto v Amsterdamu jsme kromě neodolatelných holandských vaflí a zvětšených stehenních svalů díky ježdění na kole nabrali také nespočet vinylů. Zavítali jsme hned do několika record shopů (Distortion Records, The Rush Hour, Back Beat Records), přičemž na plné čáře zvítězil krámek Waxwell Records. Hned první den a s poloprázdnou peněženkou se nám sbírka rozrostla o:

Janet Jackson, Q-Tip - Got Til It's Gone
Lauryn Hill - Doo Wap / Lost Ones
Klaus Layer - The Adventures of Captain Crook
Diamond D - Hatred, Passions and Infidelity
Blaq Poet - Poet Has Come / Message From Poet
J Dilla - The Shining
Pete Rock - Tru Master (with Inspectah Deck & Kurupt).

On our trip to Amsterdam in Summer 2014 we got fantastic Holland waffles, thigh muscles (thanks to riding bicycles all the time) and a lot of new reocrds. There were countless of record shops (Distortion Records, The Rush Hour, Back Beat Records), but Waxwell Records was definitely the best. For the 1st day we had almost empty wallet but we got:

Janet Jackson, Q-Tip - Got Til It's Gone
Lauryn Hill - Doo Wap / Lost Ones
Klaus Layer - The Adventures of Captain Crook
Diamond D - Hatred, Passions and Infidelity
Blaq Poet - Poet Has Come / Message From Poet
J Dilla - The Shining
Pete Rock - Tru Master (with Inspectah Deck & Kurupt).

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